“Don’t worry about every spot and wrinkle. It’s the overall demeanor and luster of your face that determine the impression you give.” Chizu Saeki of the Japanese Skincare Revolution
Did you know that spots from the sun indicate your skin’s need for extra protection, especially the cells below the spot? Think umbrella when you see that spot. It’s a protection mechanism for the cells below.
We treat sensitive skin, acne, wrinkles, dehydrated and discolored skin.
Check out our peels.
Perfecting Your Skin with Peels
Resurfacing the skin can help remove the spots but first we want to be healing the skin to restore it. Consider the healing ingredients found in the products we carry to help restore your skin one layer at a time.
Peel Highlight
The Perfection Peel
We take five different peels to perfect the skin. Think resurfacing!
What more could you need with Glycolic, BHA plus Mandelic, Vitamin C and TCA? We will brighten, tighten and nourish the skin. Be sure you are equipped with hydrating serums, cleansers and sun care products.
Series of Three Brightening Intense Peels Coming Your Way
Soon, Pure Dermal Care will be bringing you brightening focused peels from the Rhonda Allison collection.
Time to Brighten Up without Irritating Ingredients
Winter makes for brightening strategies most successful. Mostly because we are out of the sun more often than not.
Key facts: Our products are Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS) and paraben free
Take Extra Off These Products
Spot treat with Rhonda Allison, Naturale Mega Brightening Serum 15% off
Deep cleanse without irritation with Rhonda Allison, Beta Bright Cleanser 10% off
Treat non red acne with Face Reality Retinol B3 serum 10% off
Look smooth and glowy with Minerologie Tinted SPF 10% off (products in stock only)
Reverse sun damage with Viktoria DeAnn products in stock 15% off
Help unglue blackheads with Face Reality Face and Body Scrubs 10% off
Detox from the Tox
In the body, detoxing is black and white: Organs like the liver and kidneys work hard to get rid of toxins. This month we are wanting to work alongside the body and detox from all things sugar, stress and everything else toxic. Below are some specials to get tox-free:
- Peel Add on- $10 off
- Ionic Footbath $5 off
- Sculpting Facial $10 off
- Wrinkle Lift Microchanneling, $10 off
- Nano Exfoliation or Hydration Facial, $20 off or $10 off and add-on
- Blemish Removal, 5 additional minutes for free
- Brow Sculpt, $2 off with the bonus of Italian Gingerbread wax
Superficial Blemish Removal Time
Spotty hands? What about cherry angiomas, spider capillaries on the nose and cheeks, or skin tags, age spots? Get an additional 5 minutes for free this month.
Pomegranate Goji Berry Facial
Anti-age in winter’s coldest month! This facial is known to firm, brighten and calm the skin. The Pomegranate Enzyme contains actives to brighten the skin,and promote deep hydration. The Goji Berry Mask is high in Vitamin C and B3 to help antiage and improve the skin’s elasticity. This treatment is packed with antioxidants to help you fight any damage.
This facial begins at $75.